Are you curious about pegging and what is making it such a big deal these days? Read on for some interesting ways to enjoy some butt fun in the bedroom.
Pegging: What Is it?
When it comes to sex, different people have different likes and quirks and the one area that is gaining in popularity is all types of anal play.
This includes not only anal sex but also rimming, which is using the tongue to stimulate the anus, and pegging, which involves using a strap-on to penetrate someone’s anus.
At one time, the term “pegging” specifically meant a woman giving a man some fun in the bum by using a strap-on but nowadays it can involve either gender participating in this activity.
When you penetrate someone’s butt and use a strap-on, it can be called pegging. Unlike what many people assume, this activity is becoming more and more popular all the time.
Regardless of your sexual orientation or gender, pegging can be a lot of fun. There are a lot of nerve endings in the anus, which means that even straight men may enjoy it.
Of course, there’s a lot of stigma attached to straight men enjoying sexual activity in that area of their bodies but this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t give it a try if you’re interested in it.
The strap-on you choose to use will vary from one brand to the next, which is good because this means that you will always be able to find the one that is right for you.
Depending on your interests and your level of experience, you can start off with a smaller dildo and eventually graduate to a bigger one if you choose to continue the activity.
How Does Pegging Feel?

Because the anus has so many nerve endings, most people who try it and get used to pegging claim that it feels sensational.
If you’re new to this activity and your anal sphincter muscle is tight, it may take some time for it to feel good; however, the more the anus loosens up, the easier the act will be and the better it will feel.
A lot of people claim that it gives a warm sensation through that part of the body and members of both genders have achieved orgasm just by the act of being pegged.
Other people claim that pegging gives them a feeling of fullness, vulnerability, and of being penetrated fully. Some people say that it makes them feel as if they’re being overtaken by someone, which a lot of people love in the bedroom.
The sphincter muscle enjoys a warm sensation and once you’re to the point where you’re ready for a full-sized dildo, the feeling is even more amazing.
Of course, most people have to build up to the point where dildoes can be inserted into their anuses without feeling pain but once that happens, most people involved in pegging have very good things to say about the experience.
As with other sexual activity, you have to get used to it slowly but most people seem to enjoy it once they get used to it.
The Talk: Asking Your Partner to Try Pegging

Any type of anal activity in the bedroom requires a lot of trust and understanding between the two partners so if you’re interested in being either the giver or the receiver during pegging, it is crucial that you and your partner spend some time talking about it first.
After all, everybody has his or her own likes and dislikes when it comes to sex and there are no right or wrong rules when it comes to pegging.
The strap-on that you use should also be discussed because they come in all different lengths and thicknesses. If you’re new to pegging, it is usually a good idea to use a smaller or thinner strap-on, especially if the receiver isn’t used to any type of sexual activity near that part of the body.
Once the sphincter muscle begins to loosen and stretch out a little, you can buy a bigger dildo but it is best to keep it small in the beginning.
When talking about pegging, it is important to discuss every aspect of the act so that both of you know exactly what to expect.
If you’re a female and your partner is a guy, keep in mind the stigma attached to this act and why he might not be so keen on the idea at first. Talking about it in detail also helps you establish some rules beforehand, which is always going to make the pegging a lot more successful.
Anal Foreplay: Testing the Waters

People have to walk before they can run, and you have to prepare the anus if you’ve never before participated in pegging. The best way to do this is to participate in some good old-fashioned anal foreplay. Below are a few of the techniques that you can try to loosen up your bum some:
- Start with a little anal massage and don’t forget to use lots of water-based lube.
- Try using some sex toys, such as a butt plug or even an “egg” vibrating dildo that you hold in your hand.
- Make sure that you practice relaxing your muscles down there and breathe normally.
- Always start small; use fingers or even your tongue to loosen up your partner’s bum muscles.
- When inserting anything into the anus, insert it only part of the way and go a little further and deeper each time that you do this.
- Choose the position that is most comfortable for the two of you, which is likely to be the doggie-style position.
- Anal foreplay is often easier when you’re stimulating another part of the body as well, such as the genital area.
- If it feels as if you’re going to poop, don’t worry. This is a normal feeling during anal foreplay.
Anal foreplay can be a great prelude to pegging so if you need to stretch those anal muscles out, there’s no time like the present to get started.
What Do You Need for Pegging?

Pegging is not exactly complicated but there are a few items that you need and a few things that you need to do in order to prepare for the activity.
As with most anal activity in the bedroom, preparation is the key to successful pegging. Below are a few suggestions to help you prepare for this unique activity.
- Good communication. Again, discuss in detail what you will or will not do and make sure that you completely understand your partner’s limitations.
- Start by taking small steps. A good anal massage, some rimming activity, or gentle penetration with the fingers are great ways to prepare for a strap-on.
- Practice good hygiene. Make sure that you bathe or shower before pegging and if you feel that you need extra cleansing, consider using a good enema or anal douche.
- Start with a small dildo. One that has a diameter of roughly 1.5 inches will work best until you feel that you can move up to a bigger size.
Pegging works best when you take your time and don’t take the next step until you’re ready both physically and psychologically. It may take some time to reach this point but it will all be worth it if you have some patience and perseverance.
Lubrication for Pegging

When you’re researching lubes for your pegging experience, much of it will depend on the type of toy that you choose to use.
Most sex toys will list the recommended lube types right on the package so it is a good idea to following these instructions to the letter. In most cases, a good water-based lube or gel will work great when pegging.
One of the many advantages of water-based lubricants is that they now come in many different varieties, including flavored lubes and lubes that warm up when friction occurs.
Some are vegan lubes and there are even lubes made specifically for anal sexual activity. If you use a condom, you also have to abide by the manufacturer’s rules regarding which type of lube to use.
Read instructions on the various products and it should be simple to decide on the right type of lube to use.
How to Peg Your Partner

Pegging is not that complicated but if you’ve never used a strap-on before, it can feel a little awkward at first. Do not worry, though, because the more you practice the technique, the easier it will become.
In fact, a good suggestion is to wear the strap-on without doing any pegging just to get used to how it feels when it’s on. The more you wear it around your house, the more natural it will feel to you.
You can take your time wearing the strap-on because after all, you want it to feel natural and comfortable before pegging time arrives.
Wear it under your clothes, wear it as you masturbate, or even dance or clean your house while wearing it. This way, it will feel as if it is a natural extension of yourself when you start your pegging experience.
It is also good to remember to take it slow, especially at first. Don’t shove the dildo into the anus and let your partner get into the same rhythm you are in so that it feels natural for both of you.
You might even want to let your partner set the pace, especially if your partner is a male, because this way you’re working together to achieve the ultimate result, which is a great time.
Pegging Men: The Prostate Gland

When the recipient of pegging is a man, many people are unaware that his prostate gland can go a long way in making the entire experience a delight.
In fact, when pegging and stimulation of the prostate go hand in hand, many men claim that they have the strongest and most intense orgasms they’ve ever had.
The prostate is a walnut-sized gland located just below the bladder and stimulation of this gland feels great to most men.
As with any other type of anal activity, however, it is good to take it slow and either stimulate the prostate or peg your partner but don’t do both at the same time when you first get started.
When you explore your partner’s prostate gland while pegging him, it produces sensations in him that he’s likely never felt before during any of his sex acts.
There is also no need to be concerned about hurting either him or the gland because this simply won’t happen.
Instead, stimulation and massage of the prostate gland feels good, especially to the man who is already excited about the thought of enjoying some anal play time.
Pegging Men: Will He Get an Erection?

There is a simple answer to this question because the answer is a resounding “yes.” In fact, for many men, erections and even orgasms happen more quickly during pegging than they do during regular sex. Some of the statements made by men on this topic include:
- When their cocks are also stimulated, erections happen quickly.
- They get erections faster when being pegged and their orgasms happen sooner.
- Some men claim that they can have erections and orgasms closer together when they’re being pegged.
- Many men have “mind-blowing” dry orgasms when being pegged.
- Other men achieve erections quickly but can make them last much longer during pegging.
Obviously, men having erections and even orgasms while being pegged is quite common so if you’re hesitant to try this activity for fear that your guy might not have as much fun as you’re having, there is no need to worry because that will never happen.
Pegging Positions

As with any other sexual activity, there are many different positions that you can use when you’ve decided to give pegging a try.
The good news is that with all of these choices, it is easy to find the position that works just right for you and your partner, especially if you give each of them a try until you find the one you like best. Sexual positions that are perfect for pegging include:
- Doggie style. This is perhaps the most well-known pegging position, in part because it is one of the most comfortable positions for both partners.
- The P-Spot Peg. If you’re feeling extra risqué, have him bend over on the bed with his legs on the floor and some soft pillows as support, and stand behind him to begin.
- The Back Door position. In this position, the giver sits up in bed with legs straight out, and the receiver backs the bum up to the giver and takes in the dildo in that way.
- Chairman of the Board. As the giver, you will be sitting on a chair and your partner will straddle you in the chair while the dildo goes inside of him.
- The steamy position. This one takes place in the shower. Get all wet and soapy; have him face the wall, spread his legs, and place his hands on the wall for support while you take him from behind.
- The Good Stroke. In this position, he will lay on his back in bed and spread his legs high and wide while you start using the strap-on.
- The Primal Plunge. Have your man lay on his stomach on the bed all spread out, then get on top of him and enter him that way.
- The Bend It position. This is similar to the doggie style except that both of you are standing up and he is bending over while you do your thing. You can grab onto his hips for a little more leverage.
- The Reverse Doggie. Have your man assume the doggie style position but lift his buttocks high in the air so that it is easier for you to penetrate him.
- Laying on Top. In this position, you lay down and your man gets on top of you except that you’re both facing the same direction.
As you can see, pegging can allow for some pretty kinky positions so if you’re willing to let loose and try something new, this can add a whole new chapter to your sexual repertoire.
Pegging Risks and Health Concerns

If you’ve never tried pegging before, you might be concerned about getting STIs or even cancer from this type of anal sex activity. Because the rectum is delicate and can be prone to small tears during anal activity, this can make it easier for an STI to get through.
Anal sex also increases the risks of anal cancer but so do other factors such as smoking and being over the age of 55.
Having said these things, it seems that pegging does not increase your chances of getting STIs or cancer, at least not by much. People who have concerns about this issue should speak to their doctors to come up with a clearer idea of their true risks.
Much as with other types of sexual activity, if there is any concern about getting any type of disease, it is best to use a condom, which can be placed directly over the dildo, before you begin pegging.
Is Pegging Gay?

Although many people assume that pegging is an activity that only gay men enjoy, this is far from the truth.
In fact, more and more straight men are admitting that they enjoy this activity, although many are still “in the closet” about it. Why do straight men enjoy pegging? Below are some of the reasons that have been given:
- The prostate gland can be considered a sort of G-spot that gets men excited.
- Pegging is just another fetish for a lot of men.
- Many men get aroused because their partners are the aggressors during pegging.
- It is a way for men who have problems with erectile dysfunction to have orgasms.
- It is a natural extension of rimming and both are pleasurable.
- It makes men feel desired because their partners are willing to put that much effort into the sex act.
As more and more straight men decide to participate in pegging, it should become less stigmatized. In the meantime, it’s an activity that you can still enjoy without others knowing about it.
Lesbian Pegging/Pegging Women

Much as both gay and straight men, lesbians can enjoy pegging as well. Pegging is an activity that can be performed by one partner one night and the other partner the next.
With a lot of sex acts, there is one person who is the aggressor and one who is not. Both gay and lesbian couples can have a lot of fun taking turns as the aggressor, which is one of the main reasons why pegging is now so popular.
Pegging is also a way to enjoy the penis without the man that usually comes attached to it! Lesbians, for the most part, are not interested in any sex that involves a man but if they’re curious about what it’s like to receive a penis, this is the way for them to do it.
Can Men/Women Orgasm From Pegging?
Yes, both men and women can achieve orgasms through pegging. They do it in different ways. For men, erections and orgasms while pegging usually occur while their genitals are being stimulated at the same time that the pegging is happening.
They can also achieve the same effect when the giver massages the prostate gland at the same time that the pegging is going on. Many of these orgasms are quite intense, according to the men.
For women, orgasms during pegging usually happen in one of three ways:
- When the clitoris is being stimulated, either manually or via a sex toy, at the same time as she is being pegged.
- When the G-spot is stimulated, which doesn’t work for all women but does for many. Again, this can be achieved digitally or with a sex toy.
- When the woman is mentally stimulated. This is for women who have to be mentally prepared in order to have an orgasm; although this is rare, some women can achieve orgasm without any physical stimulation.
Regardless of your gender or sexual orientation, you can not only enjoy the art of pegging but you can achieve some wonderful orgasms as well.